
This category is for general posts.

grayscale photo of a windmill on a hill

Christ our hope in life and death

A new song was recently introduced to the congregation called “Christ Our Hope in Life and Death”.  This song is loosely based on the Heidelberg Catechism question number one. Q1. What is thy only comfort in life and death? A.…

person holding book on brown wooden table

Elder Prayer

What is the Elder Prayer? Why does Harvest have an Elder Prayer? Why is it formal and read? The Elder Prayer is a time dedicated in our service where we communicate to God corporately. The Elders are praying on behalf…

What is expository preaching and teaching?

At Harvest Fellowship Church, we are committed to regular expository preaching and teaching of the Bible. This means that the majority of our teaching and preaching is focused on sequential exposition through either chapters of or books of the Bible…

person holding brown and white wooden blocks


Recently, as time and weather would permit, I have been spending some time outside working on clearing out densely overgrown areas of my property. This was a welcomed break from being stuck inside (because of quarantine and rainy days), but…