Bible Study (Acts 10:34-48) – Wednesday March 13, 2024

Continuing the dramatic narrative of Cornelius’ conversion in Acts 10:34, Peter now finally responded, giving the address for which he had been divinely sent to Cornelius’ house. Of great significance was Peter’s declaration that God is NOT a partial God, showing partiality to Jews over Gentiles, but rather that God accepts people from every nation on earth who fear God and do what is right before Him. Peter then went on to explain the message that God had first given to Israel through Jesus Christ who preached the Good News of peace, Jesus being Lord of all (Lord over all people: Jews and Gentiles … but also a divine ascription by Peter proclaiming Jesus as God!).

Peter then reminded Cornelius and the Gentile audience assembled with him the details of what they already had knowledge of: that all throughout Judea, Jesus had gone about the entire region doing good and healing those under Satanic oppression. His ministry began in Galilee after being baptized by John the Baptist and being anointed with the Holy Spirit and power, for God was with Him. Peter and the other apostles were eyewitnesses of all that Jesus had done both in the surrounding regions of Judea and also directly in Jerusalem. And Peter also recounted how Jesus had been crucified, hung “on a tree” … but Peter did not dwell long on Jesus’ shameful death as he quickly moved on to God’s raising Him back to life on the third day and how the resurrected Jesus then appeared to His chosen eyewitnesses, who could confidently confirm that Jesus was alive both in spirit and in the flesh because they ate and drink with Him!

As we had previously observed in Acts 1, Jesus had then commissioned His apostles to preach His message to the people without distinction and to also testify of Jesus’ appointment by God as the Final Judge over all at the final judgment. In striking fashion, Peter closed his sermon/speech by implicitly declaring the Good News of the gospel that every person (Jew or Gentile) who believes in Jesus as described by Peter WILL receive eternal forgiveness of sins through the name of Jesus alone!

As Peter was finishing this historical declaration to these assembled Gentiles, there was a visible manifestation of the Holy Spirit that fell upon all who heard Peter’s speech. And it was not just that they audibly heard the words Peter had declared, but rather that they had heard, understood, and believed in Jesus with saving faith that they would indeed receive forgiveness of sins. The Jews who had accompanied Peter on this trip were astonished that the gift of the Holy Spirit had been given to these uncircumcised, ritually impure Gentiles in no less a manner than the Jews themselves had received; for they were certain of the Holy Spirit being upon these Gentile believers because the Gentiles were speaking in tongues and loudly praising God.

Peter then rhetorically asked a very wonderful question in Acts 10:47: “Can anyone withhold water for baptizing these people, who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?” With the answer being an obvious NO, Peter then commanded these new believers to be baptized in the name of Jesus the Christ. Following the baptism of all those had heard and believed, these Gentile believers then petitioned Peter to remain with them for several days to further instruct them in the ways and teachings of Jesus. What wonderful evidence that God’s grace clearly (and fully) extended without impartiality to all peoples, just as Peter had been brought to see through his trancelike vision and revelation from the Holy Spirit! All glory be to Jesus Christ, Lord of all!!

You can listen to this teaching on Acts 10:34-48 by clicking on the following link: Everyone Who Believes In Him